Kasvu Consulting has presence in Finland and India

Our Services

  • We can help you build or update your India strategy, whether you are in pre-entry, entry or growth phase.
  • We can identify and verify business opportunity for your company.
  • We can help you find right partners, right channels and right business models.
  • We can work with you on your value proposal and product/service localisation to ensure a good fit.
  • We can help you in building and strengthening your network capital in India – the “know-who” is a valuable asset in a huge market place like India.
  • We can be your Indian arm by offering you country head, project manager, financial services for a short or long term and lead your partners locally.
  • We can coach your staff both in India and at HQ in cross-cultural management and communications, acting as bridge builder and facilitator.
  • We can provide assistance in identifying and applying for funding instruments.



Managing Director
And Partner of Kasvu Consulting Pvt Ltd
Recognised internationalisation expert with 30 years of global experience in international trade, management consulting and business development

  • Worked 11 years with Finpro, the Finnish trade promotion organisation in Italy, Finland and India
  • Trade Commissioner for Finpro in Chennai, India 2008-2011
  • Co-founder of Kasvu Consulting in New Delhi 2012
  • JCI Senator #60197 of Junior Chamber International

Our Associates


Chairman and Partner
Director, Traustsala India Pvt Ltd
Recognized global business executive with 35 years of experience in international chemicals and energy business

  • Responsible for several Neste Chemicals companies in the US, France, and Finland
  • Member of International Management Team of NMC Group, Belgium. Responsible for Finnish and Baltic operations
  • Managing Director, Fortum India, 2012-2014
  • Experienced in M&A, post-acquisition integration, establishing new business and organiztional development and performance enhancement
  • Board positions in companies in France, India, and Finland


Managing Director, Member of Board, Partner
Director, Traustsala India Pvt Ltd
Reputable strategy, new business development and change leader with over 30 years of experience

  • Management team member of Fortum Oyj, responsible for group strategy, R&D, and IT&BPM 2007-2012
  • Responsible for Fortum Asia operations, based in New Delhi, India 2012-2013
  • Board positions in companies in Finland and India
  • Key role in establishing new growth and technology-driven new business. Board positions in companies in India, and Finland


Principal Strategist at Turian Labs,
Over 20 years of experience in global innovation research & strategy across domains

  • A credible network of partners and collaborators to enhance the speed and quality of innovation delivery
  • Alumnus of National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad and Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
  • Co-founder of the leading design company Onio Design Pvt Ltd in India


Lawyer, Chartered Accountant and Partner
at Agarwal, Jetley and Co, India
Over 30 years of experience in advising foreign companies in doing business in India

  • Expert in Commercial and Foreign Investment laws, assisted over 120 foreign companies in setting up business in India
  • Member of the Governing Council of the International Centre for Alternate Dispute Resolution
  • Fellow of the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India

Contact Us

Silva Paananen - Kasvu Consulting


Managing Director
And Partner of Kasvu Consulting
Finland – India
A2/78 Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi 110029



Partner of Business Finland and Team Finland

Business Finland - Kasvu Consulting partner
Team Finland - Kasvu Consulting partner
Finnpartnership - Kasvu Consulting partner